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Reasonable accommodations are adjustments to a hiring process, work environment, or job responsibilities so an employee with disabilities can apply for or perform their job. Depending on the type of disability, accommodations can look many different ways — from transcription …
Illustration by Marian Blair
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990, prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities in all areas of public life. While this landmark piece of legislation initiated significant steps to make the country more …
The job search is already an anxiety-inducing endeavor, but it can also be demoralizing when you live with chronic illness or disability. You may be unsure of whether or not to disclose your health status from the get-go and, if …
There are myriad stories on the internet about different health experiences—be it chronic illness, disability, mental health struggles, or some combination of the three. But from the perspective of a person who wants to have an impactful career, there is …
For job seekers with disabilities, the job search may include questions and challenges that others may not regularly come up against. In addition to wondering whether the roles you’re applying for are a fit, you may also be concerned about …