When I was 13 years old, I went to science camp. One day, I sat and listened as a scientist described what global warming was going to do to the planet—rising ocean levels, mass extinctions, devastation of populations around the …
The countdown to graduation brings with it a variety of feelings. Excitement. Pride. Relief. But if your career aspirations don’t align with your chosen major, you might also be grappling with a hefty dose of uncertainty or even fear.
When it was your turn to select a major, you may have chosen business, thinking it would give you the most job options when you graduated. And, ultimately, that’s correct! For those with a business degree, jobs are plentiful. However, …
Most, if not all, students go to college with the idea that they will get a quality education and land entry level jobs. However, is college right for some people? The following post includes factors that may help you decide.
Your first year of college is one of many changes. You'll meet new people, gain new independence, and confront new ideas and experiences. As a result, you'll grow as a person.
Growth often comes with growing pains—the changes you experience …
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